Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who hates spelling mistakes?

Ok guys i am a big typos maker, but i have decided that if i find a spelling mistake i am going to leave it in just to bug you all. In truth though this blog goes out to my Josh because the perfectionist essay writing literature lover in him just cant stand them!!!! SUFFER!!
I created my banner on blogger lastnight. ISNT IT DREADFUL!! i had to resort to Microsoft Word!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

So the aim of this exercise was to design patterns using only the images on hand. We first had to create 5 simple shapes : 3 lines and 4 closed in shapes.

This was the first one i created. I was more in the mind set of puttaing a jigsaw puzzle together and give it a colour theme. I happened to choose cool colours (Teal and black) which just happened later to be what nathan wanted. Yay me, im thinking on the right track (all those years of highschool art and personal reseach look like they will pay off)

In this second one i was in more og the mind set of creating a flow effect. Brian says it looks like a motorbike. What do you think? On this one i went for a warm color theme of red, orange and black.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Classmates blogs

Brian: vorgathnibori.blogspot.com
Lauren: loz-01.blogspot.com
Brandon: brandonstormonth.blogspot.com
Brendan: blieschke.blogspot.com
Jake: manwesblog.blogspot.com
aidin: hopenobodyhasthis.blogspot.com
Tim: timmymorris91.blogspot.com
Josh: spartanmule.blogspot.com
Brendon: mordrukon.blogspot.com


I was completely sure i had signed up to this site. Apparently with the 8 or so other sites we had to do i had missed this one. not to worry though it will get caught up..... hopefully

Tafe 2009

This blog was created for the use of my tafe work. I will add all my class mates on asap. I wont be socialising on it